Every Scar Has a Story

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Every Scar Has a Story

2024-07-11 05:58:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

We all have physical and/or emotional wounds that have become scars.  It’s been said that every scar has a story.  I’m looking forward to heaven when our scars are no more.  Scripture tells us “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body…” (Phil 3:20-21 ESV)  That leads me to think we have no scars on our renewed, glorified, and transformed spiritual bodies. There is no disease, sickness, sadness, aging or injury in heaven. Why then, would we have scars?

every scar has a story- words on light blue background with illustration of blue puffy flowers

Which got me thinking- why did Jesus’ resurrected body have physical scars? Why didn’t our perfect lamb come back with a spotless and perfect heavenly body? There must be a meaning behind His visible scars.   What story do the scars of Jesus tell us?

Scars of Jesus

Jesus’ resurrected body was not the same one he had when he walked the earth. He defied the laws of nature by appearing inside a locked room.  “Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” (John 20:26 NIV) Can you imagine the shock the disciples must have felt?  Luke 24: 37 NIV tells us that the “startled and frightened” disciples thought he was “a ghost”. Jesus reassures them by saying, “Look at my hands and my feet.  It is I myself!  Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones.” Luke 24:39 NIV. He even eats with them to prove he is not just a figment of their imagination.

Jesus’ scars confirmed to his followers, then and now, that it was truly him.  It was his body, still bearing the scars of his crucifixion, but now risen from his death.  It was proof that the Jesus they buried in the tomb was the same person standing before them.

Scars Tell a Story His scars help us overcome doubt

  His scars cement our belief in Him and His resurrection from the dead.

“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ John 20:27 NIV

When the disciples saw Jesus and inspected his scars, they were full of praise, joy, and amazement.  Right before this, they were hiding out in a locked room filled with fear. Jesus came to them with his scars and completely changed their lives.  He replaced their despair and fear with joy and hope!

scars tell a story By His Wounds We Are Healed

Just as it did for His disciples, His resurrection transforms our lives.  Where once we were dead in our sins, we now have eternal life in heaven.  Jesus redeemed us through his scars!  This brings hope and joy in the worst situation.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.  This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.”  1 Peter 1:3-4 NIV

Scars tell a story

His scars also remind us of how much he willingly suffered in his love for us. His scars remind us of the depth of his love.

“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8 ESV

his scars give us strength

 It’s as if He is saying “Look at my hands, my feet, and my side. I know excruciating pain and deep sorrow.  But through all of it, I came out victorious, and you can too.”

Maybe Jesus uses his scars to bind himself to each one of us. Abuse, sadness, loneliness, depression, anxiety, rejection, etc, wound us all. He completely understands our feelings.  Every scar has a story, and His scars tell us that his earthly life wounded him and left scars.  He knows the hurt of pain and suffering.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”  Psalm 147:3 NIV.

God Heals All Wounds

God’s devised plan of healing for our physical wounds fascinates the nurse in me. I’m even more in awe of how He wants to heal our emotional wounds.

There is no wound that God cannot heal.  The enemy loves for us to keep picking at the scab of our injury and delay the healing.

Maybe Jesus kept his scars to remind us that complete healing is possible with Him.  No matter how deep the wound is, he can heal.

Jesus’ Wounds

Jesus purposely didn’t hide his scars.  He even carried them into heaven.  I have scars that are visible, and they don’t bother me one bit. I could tell you their story because they hold no fear or shame for me.

But I have emotional scars that I keep hidden.  I’m sure I’m not alone.  What I can say about those, is that I am learning to be thankful for them.  They remind me of how they led me into a deeper relationship with Jesus. 

His scars showed me what true forgiveness looks like.  They remind me of His deep love and His plans for me.

every scar has a story- words on blue background with illustrated blue puffy flowers God Will Use Your Scars

No matter who or what wounded us, if it sent us into His arms, then we can give thanks for His healing and our scars.

If we can use our scars to point someone else to Jesus, then we can be thankful for our scars.

Let His scars erase your doubts.  Heal by living in His eternal joy and hope for the future.  Rest in the depth of his love and draw strength to heal from knowing He understands your wounds.

What story do Jesus’ scars tell us?  They tell us: You are worthy.  I love you with complete abandon. Don’t live in fear.  Rest in my joyful radiance.  Be confident in my faithfulness to you.  I will give you my strength. I have won the victory for you and I am saving a place here in heaven for you.

Every scar has a story.  When you see or think about your scars, remember Jesus’ nail-scarred hands and to whom you belong.

What story do your scars tell?

Do you have any scars that are still healing?  Are you picking at them or applying the healing balm of Jesus Christ?

Blessings in the healing,


If you need encouragement to experience the joy of Christ in the midst of healing you may enjoy this post: The Joy of the Lord

“Scars tell the story of where you’ve been.  They don’t dictate where you’re going.”  Toby Mac

“She questioned her own worth because of the scars others had left on her self-esteem and then she heard God whisper, ‘you are mine’.- Stasi Eldredge






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